How to do seo (search engine optimization) for blog? many of you out there would be asking this question right? what is seo and how to do it?well i am your guide and will teach you step by step that how to do seo for blog.
If you want to do seo then it is sudden that you want to get some traffic for your blog and want to make some money.So without wasting more time let's start.

WHAT IS SEO (search engine optimization)?

Whenever you enter a query in a search engine and hit 'enter' you get a list of web results that contain that query term. Users normally tend to visit websites that are at the top of this list as they perceive those to be more relevant to the query. If you have ever wondered why some of these websites rank better than the others then you must know that it is because of a powerful web marketing technique called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

SEO (search engine optimization) is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query. SEO thus helps you get traffic from search engines.

This SEO (search engine optimization) tutorial covers all the necessary information you need to know about Search Engine Optimization - what is it, how does it work?


Adding your blog to major search engines is must if you want to get some free traffic if don't the doing seo for your blog has no very first step is get your blog listed in the major seach to add site to major search engines?


Major search engines lend a lot of weight to titles so it is important that you craft your post titles carefully. To optimize your post titles make them keyword rich and ensure the title clearly explains what the blog post is about. Try to put your keywords at the beginning of your title for best results and avoid repeating your keywords within the title. Avoid long titles as Google only displays about 65 characters in the search results anyway.

Title tags are important if your Blogger blog is to attract traffic and rank in search engine results. On your blog home page the blog title appears between the title tags while on each individual post page it is the name of the article itself. While the title tags themselves are unseen by the visitor to your blog they are read when search engines crawl your blog.

Search engines use title tags to display your post title as a headline in search engine results. Search engines also display a description of the article either by extracting it from the post content usually by picking up the first 150 characters of your post or by reading the meta description of the post if one exists.

Meta descriptions can be crafted for individual posts in Blogger to good effect. Make descriptions unique for each post and ensure they contain your target keywords and keyword phrases to encourage search engines to extract snippets from them. To find out more about adding a meta description to an individual post please see my article HOW TO ADD META TAGS IN BLOG FOR BETTER SEO.

3.Add Meta Tags and Blog Description to Blogger
Adding meta keywords and a blog description to your Blogger Blogspot blog can boost your rankings by helping visitors locate your blog using keyword and keyword phrases. To find out the best method of inserting these into your Blogger blog please refer to my article about HOW TO ADD META TAGS IN BLOG FOR BETTER SEO.

4.Use Keywords in Alt Tags and Image Titles
Optimize the images used on your blog by making use of the alt tags and image my article on HOW TO USE KEYWORDS IN ALT TAGS AND IMAGE TITLES.

5.Use Target Keywords in Your Post Content
Make sure you know your targeted keywords and use them within your post content. One of the factors in determining rankings is the relevance of the targeted keywords in relationship to the text that appears in the post content.

Optimize Your Blogger Permalinks
Hand in hand with a title tag is the permanent permalink that is created when a post is published. If the title of the post is more than about 35 characters long you will strike problems with Blogger because it will shorten the title to a 35-40 character permalink. Some very ugly results happen because of this factor. For instance imagine a permalink such as:

Improve SEO by Making Use of Headings for Post Titles
Heading tags are important for optimal SEO. Most templates use html header tags sized <h2> or <h3> for the post title. In the past major search engines like Google gave precedence to tags with <h1> ahead of anything else but how important <h1> tags are today is less certain. You could tweak the heading size of your post title if you wish however take care to ensure the look of your template isn't compromised. A bigger font will result and this may mean other parts of your blog will need to be adjusted to compensate. To find out what size your blog title is look for the following lines in your template. 

<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
<b:if cond=''>
<a expr:href=''>&t/a>
<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'></a>

As can be seen this template blog title is in <h3>. To change the size of the tags just substitute the appropriate header tag where <h3> appears.

Improve SEO (search engine optimization) By Making Use of Heading Tags Within Posts
Heading tags can be used to good effect in your posts. Make sure you have only one <h1> heading per page if you have one at all and reserve this for your post title. Make use of <h2> and <h3> headings throughout your post to emphasize key points and targeted keywords. Major search engines do take notice of <h2> and <h3> headings when crawling your blog. To add emphasis to a heading within your blog simply enclose the heading in <h3> tags.


If you haven't submitted your Blogger website and sitemap to the major search engines yet this article will help you through the process. Submitting your Blogger (Blogspot) blog to the two most popular search engines Google and Yahoo is a must if you want your site crawled and indexed quickly and, of course, to receive visitors. You may also want to cast your net a little wider. If so there are a couple of other search engines worthy of note that you may not have even considered. This article explores the steps involved in submitting your blog and sitemap to 5 major search engines



Google is the knig of all search engines atleast we know that now the question is how to submit my blog in google please read my article on HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR BLOG IN GOOGLE SITEMAP?


Yahoo is also one of the major search engines submitting your blog to yahoo can be quite handy to submit your site in yahoo please read my article HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR BLOG TO YAHOO SITEMAP?


You can directly submit your blog to msn live webmaster center.please follow my step by step guide on HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR BLOG TO MSN.


submitting your Blog sitemap to, expedited indexing in MSN because of a standing arrangement that Moreover would provide the submitted feeds to MSN for crawling and indexing. At the time of writing this article it is not clear if this is still useful as sitemaps can now be submitted to MSN directly. However, it can't do any harm so I suggest giving it a go. 

To submit a sitemap to Moreover copy and paste the following line into your internet browser address taking care to replace yoursitename with the actual name of your site:


You will receive a success message after submiting your blog to


It is worth submitting your sitemap to ASK.COM, previously known as Ask Jeeves. It is considered an important search engine and owns Excite, Bloglines, MyWay and iWon. also is a participant in the Sitemaps Protocol Program.

It is easy to submit your Blogger sitemap to Simply copy (Ctrl + C command) and paste (Ctrl + V command) the following line into your internet browser address bar. Be sure to substituteyoursitename with the actual name of your site.




Step by Step Guide to Adding Sitemap to Google

1. Sign in to Google Webmaster Tools
Once set up this site will give you detailed analysis about how Google indexes your blog. Best way to get to Google Webmaster tools is to click on My Account on the Blogger Navbar and then choose Google Webmaster Tools from the list.

2. Navigate to the Webmaster Tools Dashboard
Directly below the word "Dashboard" in the top lefthand corner you will see the option to add a site. Click once inside the box to remove the default text. Now enter the full URL of your site in the box including the prefix http:// and click on the "Add Site" button.

3. Navigate to Webmaster Tools Overview
If all is going well you will now see your site in a list below the "Add Site" box. Click on your site in the list and you will be taken to "Dashboard>>Overview."

4. Select Method of Verifying Your Site
Whether the pages of your site have been indexed or not you will be asked to click on the "Verify Your Site" link in the yellow box. At this point you will be given 2 options: one to verify your site by uploading an HTML file and the other by inserting a meta tag into the HTML coding on your site. As you do not have access to the server on Blogspot you will need to choose the second option. To do this select "add a meta tag" in the dropdown menu entitled "Choose Verification Method".

Immediately you make your choice you will be presented with a couple of lines of text which you will need to copy to the clipboard of your computer.

5. Go to Blogger Layout Tab of Your Site in a New Window
In another window open Blogger and sign in if you are not already signed in. From the Dashboard navigate to the "Layout" menu of your blog by clicking on the Layout tab. If you have created more than one blog make sure that you click on the appropriate title of your blog.

6. Edit the Template of Your Blog in Blogger
In the Layout menu follow the “Edit HTML” link (third from left under the Layout tab). At this point you need to search through the coding in the template for the first "Head" tag. This will be somewhere between line 7 and 10 from the top. Once you have located the correct spot paste the code for the metatag you created in Step 4 directly into the template taking care not to overwrite any existing code. Click on the "Save Template" button to update your blog.

8. Return to Webmaster Tools and Verify Site
Once you have saved the changes to your template return to Webmaster Tools and click on the "Verify" button at the bottom of the page in the "Dashboard>>Verify a Site" screen. You will then receive coonfirmation from Google that your site has been verified.

9. Navigate to Sitemaps in Webmaster Tools
Once your site is verified you can now move on to adding your sitemap. To do this navigate to Sitemaps by following the "Sitemaps" link in the sidemenu. This will take you to "Dashboard >> Sitemaps" where you will see a box with the URL of your site already added. Next to the box will be a button labelled "Submit Sitemap."

10. Add Sitemap in Webmaster Tools
As your blog was created in Blogspot we are going to make use of the rss or atom feed. Either can be used for this purpose.

On the Sitemaps page in Webmaster Tools type either atom.xml orrss.xml into the box provided to extend the displayed URL and click on the "Submit Sitemap" button.


  1. Create an account or sign into Bing at MSN. If you have a hotmail account you will already have access to Bing Webmaster Tools
  2. Navigate to the Bing Webmasters Tools page

  3. Installing Skylight is purely optional. Silverlight is Microsoft's competitive product for Adobe Flash. Try it if you wish as it adds some extra functionality but for the purposes of this Blogger tutorial it is not necessary.
  4. From the Bing Webmaster home page click on Add Site
  5. Fill in the URL address of your Blogger blog.
  6. Click on Submit
  7. Your blog will now appear on the list of added sites under your Bing Webmaster account

  8. Click the Verify Site link at the right of your blog

  9. Choose Option 2 - Add meta tag to your default webpage

  10. Copy the meta tag code that appears in the dialog box by right clicking on it with your mouse and selecting copy. Keep the Bing Webmaster Tools window open as we will be returning

  11. Login to your Blogger account if not already logged in using a different browser window
  12. From the Dashboard go to Design > Edit HTML
  13. Paste the code below the <head> tag and before <b:skin> and as early as possible

    For the new generation of default Blogger templates I suggest placing the code just below these two lines:

    <meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>

    For earlier generations of default Blog templates and custom templates I suggest you place the Bing Webmaster meta tag after these lines:
    <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
  14. Click on Save Template
  15. Return to Bing Webmaster and click on the Verify button
  16. If successful your Blogger blog will be added to the list of sites. Information about your blog will show not available as it takes at least 48 hours to activate.

  17. Click on your blog and you will be taken to the site information screen. Notice the menu (bank of tabs) for easy navigation (as pictured). Use the dropdown menu to navigate between your blogs if you add more than one to Bing Webmaster.