- Create an account or sign into Bing at MSN. If you have a hotmail account you will already have access to Bing Webmaster Tools
- Navigate to the Bing Webmasters Tools page
- Installing Skylight is purely optional. Silverlight is Microsoft's competitive product for Adobe Flash. Try it if you wish as it adds some extra functionality but for the purposes of this Blogger tutorial it is not necessary.
- From the Bing Webmaster home page click on Add Site
- Fill in the URL address of your Blogger blog.
- Click on Submit
- Your blog will now appear on the list of added sites under your Bing Webmaster account
- Click the Verify Site link at the right of your blog
- Choose Option 2 - Add meta tag to your default webpage
- Copy the meta tag code that appears in the dialog box by right clicking on it with your mouse and selecting copy. Keep the Bing Webmaster Tools window open as we will be returning
- Login to your Blogger account if not already logged in using a different browser window
- From the Dashboard go to Design > Edit HTML
- Paste the code below the <head> tag and before <b:skin> and as early as possible
For the new generation of default Blogger templates I suggest placing the code just below these two lines:
<meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
For earlier generations of default Blog templates and custom templates I suggest you place the Bing Webmaster meta tag after these lines:
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
- Click on Save Template
- Return to Bing Webmaster and click on the Verify button
- If successful your Blogger blog will be added to the list of sites. Information about your blog will show not available as it takes at least 48 hours to activate.
- Click on your blog and you will be taken to the site information screen. Notice the menu (bank of tabs) for easy navigation (as pictured). Use the dropdown menu to navigate between your blogs if you add more than one to Bing Webmaster.